bedwetting millennial

2226 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: Stupid Theresa May jumps on gender pay gap bandwagon, media fails to see how meaningless data really is

As you know I care greatly about the way meaningless data is misinterpreted when it comes to the gender pay gap. That got me into an Orwellian soup thanks to a bedwetting millennial when I gave THIS lecture at Bath Spa University. Today is the day by when all companies must publish gender pay data. But the data offered is utterly meaningless and the fact that Theresa May uses it as she jumps on the bandwagon show what a silly woman she is. The BBC is wilfully misreporting it too as you can see below ref RyanAir (RYA). I explain why today's wall to wall coverage is so misleading.


2232 days ago

Campus Cowardice & Intolerance - the death of free speech - Monty Python at McMaster

Across the West the story is the same. Offended snowflakes object - or in some cases far worse - and craven academics cancel events or no platform speakers. This is a matter I am now all too familiar with after giving this most excellent talk at Bath Spa University. It is surely only a matter of time before some liberal arts faculty somewhere organises a book burning. Today's demonstration of the Orwellian nature of the liberal arts campus of today comes from McMaster University in Hamilton Canada.
